Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to do SEO

Now a days SEO is really a powerful way to gain and to get exposure for your website.

Some tips for SEO(Search Engine optimization)

1. Website domain with targeted keyword under it.
2.Research your business related keyword
3. Make useful content as per your business.
4.Make a good description under Title Tag/meta tag description part.
5.Place your important keyword under H1,H2,H3 tag.....
6.Make your navigation strong,so that user can easily navigate your site.
7.Proper use of keyword under.
8.On-page optimization will be very much compelling to the content.
9.Off-page optimization is very important to get backlink from other website
10.SMO (Social media optimization) for branding and interaction with user.
For more basic learn here Search Engine Marketing

1 comment:

  1. What a way to start the SEO.Really helpful for user to get and undersatnd the SEO basics.I thought its wonderful way to start

